Te Puna Reo Māori for Schools​

Get your whānau, students and teachers learning te reo Māori together! Complete this form to join our Te Puna Reo Māori programme for schools.

Make sure you’ve got the all the details needed for this form including the email, phone and names of your Principal, Programme Leader (sometimes this will be your Principal in a smaller school) and your accounts person. You’ll also need your July 2024 roll return to enrol the correct number of students into our transformational te ao Māori programme.

FINAL School Sign Up Form New Jan 2025 (#48)

Please enter your school details in the form below to sign up for our Te Puna Reo Māori programme to grow te reo Māori in your kura and learning community together.

Please enter up to date details of your Principal. Many of our kura have had a change in principal or are expecting one. Please put something in the notes if you're expecting a new principal for 2025.

Please enter the details of ALL your SLT Members, any Programme Leaders, Cultural leaders, te ao Māori leaders etc here.  Click on the + button to enter more staff.

Note we don't need all your teachers here, just the ones leading our programme and maintaining logins etc.  in your school!

Note this container has a container class of "ff-hidden" which means all of these fields will NOT show to users on the front end. However admin in the back end will be able to edit these fields to assign key information to the school which is then transferred over to tags on the main school group. These tags are inherited by all of the BB subgroups.

Let us know about a highlight or a challenge you've had this year. Perhaps you've got an awesome te reo Māori goal for 2025 you could share with us!