Build your sustainable learning pathway. Give mana to te reo Māori and mātauranga Māori within your learning. Level One of our programme contains over 50 comprehensive learning modules.
Whānau, tamariki and teachers learning te reo Māori together.
15 minutes PLD each week
All teachers participate
Kaiako learn first then integrate
Build te ao Māori competency
Unique structured learning model
Tamariki learning with staff
Clear scope and sequence
Integrate into daily routines
Weave through learning & play
Modules support local learning
Whānau learning at home
Build strong home-centre links
Revitalise te reo Māori in whānau
Honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Adapt to your learning community
We are loving your learning videos. They are an excellent resource for te ao Māori learners - beyond anything else I've seen available.
Most of our staff identify as non-Maaori and find the videos and resources easy to follow and understand. They keep the tamariki engaged and enthusiastic.
My teachers who are second language learners of te reo Māori feel safe, supported and guided through the teaching and learning of the Māori language.
The use of te reo Māori me ōna tikanga is flourishing in our kura! Ākonga are leading many of these activities as their confidence has increased.
The activities are really engaging. It's exciting for our ākonga to go learn from their whānau too and to express who they are through their whakapapa.
I enjoy getting to share my first language with the other kids in my class. I have been learning that me being able to speak Te Reo is like having a super power. Ka rawe!
I moved to New Zealand not long ago. This programme has helped me learn more about NZ, how important te reo Māori is and why we need to learn it.
This has made a significant positive impact on integrating te reo Māori in our kura. Teacher confidence has grown. Flexibility means we learn at our own pace.
This is an outstanding programme that holds the hands of educators as they grow within te ao Māori. For kura looking to become more culturally responsive, it is a must.
This online programme has tangibly lifted the amount of te reo spoken throughout our whole school. All our teachers have really increased their confidence and knowledge.
By Week 4 our Māori students who have some level of te reo Māori were walking around full of pride and leading our learning with their peers and kaiako.
We love that it is all planned for us with lots of resources that we can choose from to create a programme that works for us and our tauira.
Te Puna Reo Māori is a platform that is user friendly, full of amazing resources that are Aotearoa focused, and the kaupapa align with our celebrations throughout the year.
Join Te Puna Reo Māori for ECE to lead with te ao Māori thinking, being and doing!
Multiply the number of learners your ECE is licensed for by our annual $10 + GST fee to get your total cost.
Our charge includes access for all your teachers and whānau.
Supercharge your te reo Māori with our innovative online learning programme and resources.
Discounted rates for Kāhui Ako ECE’s joining together or bulk purchases from larger ECE providers.
Te Puna Reo Māori has empowered over
Learn how to uphold Te Tiriti o Waitangi, tikanga Māori and te ao Maori in daily interactions and relationships with whānau, ākonga, iwi, hapū and mana whenua groups across your learning community.